Tag Archives: taiko drummers

My feet at anime art exhibit event

So today we took Kuma to get dewormed then after that we went home I picked up my package from the mail woman and then Matt came to pick me up and we were off to Sunrise Florida for a small fun thingie lol. On the way there we stopped at McDnalds and I used my coupon to get a signature burger. I got a burger with pico de gallo and guacamole. The burger was really good. Then we got to the event and we explored the anime art exhibit which had really awesome art work. After that we checked out the martial arts exhibition. It was mostly young people in their early teens and they did a really good job using different types of weapons and each having a segment where they did their own routine to really upbeat dance music. Then we checked out the vendors met up with some more people and checked out origami making classes and then the costume contest. I made sure to get alot of pictures of the costumes and other cool things including the artwork and food trucks. Also Crystal and Eric were there too. yay. All in all it was a fun day.